A quality, vinyl acrylic latex wall surface. Designed to be used as a heavily applied preparatory coat necessary to ensure the better appearance of newly applied drywall compound. PrepCoat is especially useful over joint lines and minor sanding grooves. When applied properly and according to TDS and label recommendations to a drywall surface with a minimum Level 4 finish, Ultra Spec® Prep Coat Hi-Build Latex Interior Primer (K580) will provide a Level 5 finish as defined by ASTM C840 and by the Gypsum Association publication GA-214.
- Fills and surfaces rough and uneven new drywall
- Evens out various porosities between drywall paper and joint compound
- Easy to apply and dries quickly
- Sand-able
- Performs equally well underneath Benjamin Moore® latex or solvent based finishes.
- Minimizes minor surface imperfections: paper fuzz, minor sanding grooves, nicks and pinholes.
- Low VOC